All franchise will have access to the Training portal and can download all required
Abacus training materials. Along with the downloadable training materials, each
student registering will be provided with all required study tools including books
and abacus hardware.
Our Abacus training materials are prepared by experts in the industry and are simple
to follow. The trainer just needs to follow the book and download the relevant training
material. All extra downloadable training materials/worksheets are available in
printout format. There are 8 levels which are spanned across 24 months. Each level
is of 3 months and an online exam is conducted by the end of each level. Students
are promoted to the next level after successful completion of online exam. AbacusMaster
issues certificates to all successful candidates.
Franchise can also conduct sample exams using AbacusMaster training portal and the
marks of those sample tests will not be recorded in the database. The complete curriculum
is designed in such a way that the student starts visualizing bead movements faster.
This method of learning Abacus is much faster than the traditional way of learning
abacus. Along with the paper based practice worksheets, as a bonus, each student
is provided with computer based practice software which will accelerate and strengthen
student’s capability to visualize.