How to Apply for AbacusMaster Franchise
If you own a computer, a printer and a broadband connection, you can apply for AbacusMaster
franchise. You need to send a request for availing franchise to
. After reviewing your request, AbacusMaster will send you the Franchise Manual
which explains the complete terms and conditions of AbacusMaster Franchise.
If you are OK with all the terms and conditions in the Franchise Manual, you can
intimate your willingness in taking the franchise. AbacusMaster will forward you
a set of documents containing Check list, Application Form,and the M.O.U. The duly
filled documents should be forwarded to Wizycom office for processing. Once received,
AbacusMaster support team will verify all the documents and will intimate you on
the approval status. Once approved, you will be asked to nominate a person (can
nominate upto 2 people) as trainer. AbacusMaster shall conduct an induction for
the trainer on how to use the AbacusMaster Training Portal and how to teach students
for level 1. The trainer shall be given all required training to teach Abacus classes
and is absolutely free. The induction process may take up to a week and once finished,
you can start training students.
Franchise Requirements
Computer at-least with the below specification
- A minimum of 2.2 GHz CPU
- Minimum of 2 GB RAM
- Windows Operating system
- DVD Drive
- Speakers
- Black & White/ Colour printer. (It’s better to have a B&W laser printer)
Broadband internet connection
- Internet connection with a minimum speed of 512 kbps download speed
- Chairs and desk for the student.
Room Space
- A minimum of 100 Square feet room.